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How to Come Up with A Unique Baby Girl Name

| Updated : 15-06-2022
| Author : Content team

Chances are, that if you grew up in the 80s or 90s, then you probably had a handful of classmates with names like Jennifer, Melissa, or Samantha.

In fact, you probably knew several kids throughout your childhood with the same exact names - distinguishing them apart from one another through their nicknames instead.

Now that you are an adult yourself, and you have a baby girl on the way, you have begun to realize just how stressful and difficult it can be to come up with a unique baby girl name. After all, we want to believe that every child is unique and different, so therefore we want them to have names that reflect them and no one else.

A Name That Matters

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A child's name matters. Children are often picked on or teased because of their name, the spelling of their name, or even their initials. So, it is without a question that choosing a good name is an important part of shaping and molding that child's future.

A number of studies have been conducted over the years regarding the impact of a child's name. A study in the Czech Republic discovered that children whose names appeared at the beginning of an alphabetical list were more likely to get accepted into college.

Another study found that students whose names start with an A or B tend to get higher grades on tests than those whose names start with a C or D. Subconsciously, children project their initials into their perceived ability to accomplish various tasks - including schoolwork.

Things to Consider When Choosing A Name

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There are a number of factors to take into consideration when choosing a unique baby girl's name. Perhaps one of the most important aspects is the number of syllables and letters in the name.

It is important to remember that eventually, you will have to teach your daughter how to say and pronounce her name correctly and if there are too many syllables or letters in the name this may cause an issue.

Furthermore, longer names are often more difficult to pronounce by other people, which may affect her social standing in the future.

Next, you have to look at the initials themselves. If you gave your daughter a particular name, do the initials have any other meaning or even spell out disparaging words. It's not uncommon for children to be teased because of their initials.

In most cases, these situations can be prevented from occurring simply through proper planning. Of course, there's no way of knowing whether or not the initials may mean something different 10 years from now.

Lastly, you must be careful about choosing names that can be easily rhymed with disparaging words. A common form of bullying amongst grade-schoolers is to use an adjective that rhymes with the child's name in order to make fun of them.

Think about what sort of nicknames you may want to use when speaking to your daughter, the nicknames that she may choose to use amongst her friends, as well as any nicknames that others may make up in order to tease your baby girl.

Mix and Mash Them

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Maybe you are stuck between two perfectly good options. A unique baby name is just that, unique. That is, it does not have to be based on any commonly used names.

So, if you are stuck and cannot choose between two potentially good options, then why not mix and match them together. If each name has more than one syllable, simply take one syllable from each name and fuse them together to create something entirely new.

Simply start by writing both names down on a sheet of paper, separating each syllable with a dash, and then move each syllable around in your head till you find something unique and interesting.

You can also try this as a way of fusing your parents, grandparents, or even great-grandparents' names together in homage to their important role in your family.

Add an Exotic Flair

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When at first you don't succeed, try something completely different. It is a simple process to add an exotic flair to just about any name.

Adding a single diacritical mark over a letter can change a name altogether. Take a name like Anastasia for example. Most girls with this name may choose a nickname like Ann or Anya. Yet, you can add an exotic flair by simply naming her Añastasia instead.

Regardless of the name that you choose in the end, what is important, is the fact that you took the time to seriously think about and come up with a cute girl name for your daughter.

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